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Health Awareness Week
October 21-25, 2024
The annual Health Awareness Week will kick off on Monday, October 21st. Our goal in celebrating Health Awareness Week is to highlight the importance of focusing on physical, mental, and spiritual health to help our young Eagles grow into healthy adults.
We accomplish this goal by sampling fresh fruits and vegetables with the Color Pledge and by partnering with our Blessed Trinity priests and local professionals to educate the students on various healthy topics centered around our theme.
Parents,your help is key for the success of this event.

Scheduled Activities & Forms
Fun Run
This run promises to be FUN!
There will be 5 ZONES for our students to run through: bubbles, water balloons, tires, foam, and water blasters. Each ZONE will need to be manned by parents.
Parents will be throwing water balloons at the students, running the bubble machines, moving kids through the tires, shooting them with the water blasters, etc.
Our FUN RUN isn't fun without our zones and parents!
Please signed up for volunteer in this Fun Run now before October 4th.
Volunteers Needed
There will be a Health Awareness Week Sign-Up Genius sent via BTCS Info the end of September. Please read over the sign-up and add your name to as many opportunities as possible.
There are both approved and non-approved volunteer opportunities listed.
This student-favorite event does not happen without your support!
Color Pledge
All students (PreK – 8th) will have the opportunity to participate in the Color Pledge during lunch. Students in grades PreK – 2nd grade will need a parent’s signature in order to participate. Please look for this 2-page document to come home the end of September. Color Pledge forms with a parent signature are required no later than Wednesday, October 16th for students in PreK – 2nd grade. Students in 3rd – 8th grade will choose whether to participate in the Color Pledge and do not need parent permission.
Family Challenge
There will be a FAMILY CHALLENGE offered daily during Health Awareness Week. Please see the separate document that highlights each Family Challenge.
Here, you will find the Eagleopoly Board Game for printing.
When a family challenge requires photos to be submitted, please email photos to
Poster Contest
There will be a Poster Contest for all students with a grand prize of 2 Jacksonville Jaguars tickets. Posters are due no later than October 9th!
Field Trip Permission
All of our HAW events will take place on the school campus and are FREE, however, some events will require a field trip permission form.
Please be sure to sign and return the field trip permission form for your child to participate in the event.
The field trip permission form for 6th – 8th grade will be posted on CANVAS.
Our goal of celebrating Health Awareness Week is to highlight the importance of focusing on physical, mental, and spiritual health to help our young Eagles grow into healthy adults.